Please find the bank details below. Kindly email your payment details and proof of deposit to

LYMACK SUITES's bank details

KCB Bank: KSHS Account

Account name: Lymack Suites Ltd
Account no: 1290854475
Bank Code: 01
Branch code: 0180
Branch name: Village Market
Swift Code: KCBLKENX

Family Bank Ltd:USD Account

Account name: Lymack Suites Ltd
Account no:001000072258
Bank Code: 70
Branch Code: 001
Branch: Kiambu Branch
Swift Code: FBLKENA

LYMACK SUITES's bank details

KCB Bank US Dollar account

Account name: Lymack Suites Ltd
Account no: 1291150323
Bank Code: 01
Branch code: 0180
Branch name: Village Market
Swift Code: KCBLKENX

Family Bank Ltd: Ksh account

Account name: Lymack Suites Ltd
Account no: 001000047037
Bank Code: 70
Branch Code: 001
Branch: Kiambu Branch
Swift Code: FBLKENA

"Please note that we require at least 24 hours to verify your payment and confirm your booking after the deposit is made and the email is sent."

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